Twelve step groups and Self Help resources

Does Self Help work?

quote marks

[...] metanalyses [studies based on a group of other studies] find that self-help is almost as effective as other therapeutic interventions, and most change occurs between, not during, the therapy hour. Writing in the December issue of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, he cites, for example, research showing that about 75 percent of people who change behavioral and addictive disorders do so on their own.

Psychotherapy Networker, July/August 2007, p. 16   

[...] about 75 percent of people who change behavioral and addictive disorders do so on their own....

There are a wide variety of self help groups based on the 12 steps, originally developed in Alcoholics Anonymous. Here are a few:

For an exhaustive list of 12 step groups

For a resource on drug rehabilitation centers

Sex, Love & Romance Addictions

For sex and love addicts, there is:

For friends and family members of sex addicts, there are two 12 step groups

Other Self Help Resources

There are a wide variety of resources that can help you move closer to where, and who, you want to be.
Here are a few: