Frequently asked questions

How can I contact you?

We will respond to your email or call within 2 business days.

Please note that email is not a secure communication medium and therefore, it is not advisable to send sensitive information via email.

What types of payment do you accept?


What are your fees (how much does it cost)?

Session Type Session length Session cost
First individual or couples visit (intake) 50 minutes $45.00
Follow up individual or couples sessions 50 minutes $45.00

Do you provide sliding scale counseling?

We do in exceptional cases. Contact us for more information.

What if a I miss a session?

If you give at least 24 hours notice, we can re-schedule at a later date. Appointments that are missed without 24 hours notice will be charged a flat rate of $25.00. Please understand that when you schedule a time slot, that time slot becomes unavailable for other clients. If you are unsure about a given date and time, consider choosing another date and time where you can be sure you can attend.